The Loving Eyes Foundation originated from the work of two ophthalmologists, Dr. Frank Brodie and Dr. Alejandra de Alba Campomanes, frustrated with the ineffective amblyopia treatment due to unsuitable glasses for children with craniofacial syndromes. While initially presenting 3D printed glasses as a research project, interest in the glasses' availability grew. In addition, many physicians around the country had the common issue of glasses fit due to craniofacial abnormalities and other unique anatomic parameters for spectacle fit. Today, Loving Eyes happily specializes in providing this service to as many children as possible.

We have successfully fit children with the following diagnosis:

Craniosynostosis Microcephaly Goldenhar Syndrome Trisomy 21 Microtia

Hypertelorism Macrocephaly Hydrocephalus CHARGE Syndrome

Head and Face Tumors Flat or Absent Nasal Bridge

Contact form

If you are an eyecare professional and would like to learn more about our program and/or would like to recommend a patient for services, please complete the form below.